Team Spotlight

Embracing equity: No business role should be defined by gender

Dataløy 24

A message from our HR Manager on International Women's Day

Maria Rygg, HR Manager

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, it is imperative that we acknowledge the ongoing struggle for gender equality in the technology industry and beyond. I want to share Dataloy’s perspective on the importance of embracing equity and to break down the bias and barriers that exist for women in tech and wider society.

At Dataloy, we are proud to have a workforce with a near 50-50 ratio of men and women, and we have achieved this balance not by focusing on gender, but by recognizing the capabilities and skill sets of individuals and this goes on to reinforce the capability and skills offered by women.

However, it is not enough to simply have a balanced workforce. We must actively work to break down the biases and barriers that limit the opportunities of women in tech and wider society. It is time to treat people universally as humans, to recognize their talents and capabilities regardless of their gender, and to level the playing field for all.

 Our young people are the talent of the future, and it is our responsibility to create a diverse culture irrespective of gender, to develop careers that suit their real skills and interests without being held back by a poorly founded perception of the industry or inability to access it.

We must continue to work towards a future where gender is not a defining factor in one’s career opportunities, where talent is recognized and celebrated universally, and where diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of all our endeavors. Together, we can create a brighter, more equal future for all.

Let us take this Women’s Day as an opportunity to reiterate our commitment to equality and to celebrate the achievements of women in tech and beyond. 

To inspire our team members, we’re also sharing some of our favorite quotes that encourage us to be inclusive and strive for equality. Join us in the conversation and share your own favorite quotes on gender equality in the workplace. #IWD2023 #genderequality #womenintech”

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