Transitioning to the Web
For almost two decades, Dataloy has been a competitive forerunner as a licensebased software company for integrated chartering and vessel operations.
But with changing times, technology is inspiring a fundamental change in how
businesses relate to their customers. Transformation to digital is considered a
requirement for almost every enterprise.
Dataloy saw this as an opportunity to leverage the transformational impact of
digitalisation and create more value for our customers.
There were a number of reasons, both financial and strategic that precipitated
Dataloy´s move to the web.
Transitioning to the web is a difficult, expensive, and a multi-year process but after a
lot of planning and iterations, the team realised that the risks are hugely outweighed
by the potential rewards – easier compliance and control, agility to innovate,
operational and economic efficiencies.
What it means for you – Our Clients
Anumita Bhargava
Marketing & Communication Consultant
July 19, 2019
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Sharing and collaboration
- Easy to share information in a secure manner
- Scalable data sharing and robust backup
- Collaborate across devices, touch points, and partners.
Acessibility and mobility
- Access anywhere, anytime from any device with an
internet connection - Innovate by leveraging mobility
Reduced operational costs while
increasing the effectiveness of the
IT processes
- Quick implementation and deployment
- Automated updates
- Easier to maintain
- Easier to update as per client needs
- Easier adoption and faster learning curve as users
are used to the web
We always had the right motivation, which is:
How can we innovate without compromising on quality? How can we create an ecosystem for our customers to simplify technology and how
can we continue to build a more predictable and recurring revenue stream by improving operational efficiencies?
Our roll out strategy
Dataloy ś value proposition has been and is about delivering high-quality service and products, not just new features, so uptime, availability, disaster recovery, and security were critical components when planning migration to the web
Moving to the web affects how we engineer our products, our operations, and our goto-market and business models.
It is therefore, our move to the web is rolled out in phases so that in the technology cat race we do not compromise on quality and integrity of data. Also rolled out phases would give time to the customer to adapt to the new module. We’re in an agile development model with a mobile-first approach, where a scrum team delivers service updates that are revised, tested, and released.
During each step, system is analysed to ensure that existing features are not
impacted and working as expected. This gives us an indication that system is fine and is ready for the next phase of deployment.
We are transitioning and building the product in-house, so that we can closely
monitor and test every step. We use Amazon Web Services as our solution partner
Time to embrace the change
We are fully committed to the daunting challenge of transitioning to the web and
creating a customer-centric system that gives greater flexibility, operational
excellence and lower operations overhead.
We would be happy to help you, look at all the applications and the dynamics you
have going on, and help you create a roadmap to achieve your business goals using
our VMS.
Dataloy Product Suite
Dataloy Business Intelligence is our affordable, web-scale business intelligence tool for all your reporting needs, enabling you to make optimal business decisions.
Dataloy CloudOur cloud solution options means IT managers don’t have to think about application and database servers, licences and complex cost structures in order to serve their users.